Contact Atlin
2 Warm Bay Road
PO Box 83
Atlin, B.C., V0W1A0
P: 250-651-7525
F: 250-651-7741
Important Files
Atlin School Filters
Each school, as well as the Board Office, collaborated to develop their Purpose, Mission, Vision and Values. The Purpose is a statement that grounds our thinking and clarifies our duty. The Mission is the desired focus in order to maintain our purpose. The Vision is a picture of what it would look like if we were achieving our Mission and Purpose. The Values are those which we believe are most necessary to successfully work together. The Filters become the conduit for decision-making, the mirror with which to reflect on performance and the starting point for all discussions and goal-setting.
Our Purpose
Atlin School provides a safe environment for all individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to function successfully in society.
Our Mission
The staff of Atlin School strives in partnership with parents and the community to ensure that learning opportunities are maximized and individual needs are met in an inclusive setting. All individuals will be treated respectfully at all times. A team approach, open communication and a solution-oriented mind-set will be utilized to meet the challenges one faces throughout the year. Learning is fun and we will celebrate our successes.
Our Values
At Atlin School, we value the life-long process of personal growth and empowerment. We value the development and modelling of individual character traits such as integrity, honesty, optimism, acceptance, empathy, trust, persistence, and, humour. We value the development of positive relationships and open communication.
Our Vision
At Atlin School, our students will be self-assured lifelong learners who understand and respect their own and others’ heritage. We will maintain meaningful relationships which are based on respect and a desire to learn and live together in a community that is supportive. We will use problem-solving skills and make responsible decisions which lead to a healthy and productive life. We will care deeply for one another and look forward to the future with enthusiasm.
Meet the Staff
Sheila Cavanagh
Email: sheila.cavanagh@sd87.bc.ca
Jacquie Hanslit
Email: as.secretaryn@sd87.bc.ca
Learning Support Teacher
Corri Gallicano
Email: corri.gallicano@sd87.bc.ca
K-3 & Music Teacher
Gerald Michelin
Email: gmichelin@sd87.bc.ca
4-6 Teacher
Sherry Macinnis
Email: smacinnis@sd87.bc.ca
7-9 Teacher
Rosie Mulder
Email: rmulder@sd87.bc.ca
Aboriginal Language & Culture
Sandra Jack-Mirhashew
Email: sjackmirhashew@sd87.bc.ca
Student Assistant
Trudy Robinson-Euing
Email: trobinson-euing@sd87.bc.ca
Maury Lovell
Email: mlovell@sd87.bc.ca